BUSINESS HUB, Website Builder
and Business Directory Console
The Barter Exchange Manager offers a structured membership system designed to cater to various needs, from individuals exploring barter to high-volume traders seeking extensive support.
Each membership level provides a unique combination of services, benefits, and marketing support to enhance the bartering experience.
Members supporting Members supporting GROWTH
BUSINESS HUB, Website Builder
and Business Directory Console
New Members
At its core, the Hyper-Barter Exchange is designed to facilitate seamless trading among members, leveraging the power of barter to enhance business transactions. With four tiers of membership—Basic, Standard, Premium, and Elite—members receive tailored support from our knowledgeable Trade Coordinators (TCOs). Our TCOs are experts in generating trade transactions and optimizing member engagement, ensuring that businesses can maximize their barter potential while navigating the complexities of modern commerce.
Use your surplus capacity to profit from the currently waisted Surplus capacity and down time, with our help.